
👽 Impendium + Nova Lux Reprint 🚀

Created by Dragon Egg Games

Reconstruct the collapsed universe and spread your power in the new Galactic Order. The standalone integrated successor to Nova Lux. Rules will be available in both English 🇬🇧and German 🇩🇪

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Pledge Manager Timelines and Manufacturing update
almost 3 years ago – Sat, Jul 10, 2021 at 04:42:33 AM

Pledge Manager timelines

Hello friends! Thank you to the 85% of you that have completed your surveys and finished inputting your shipping details into the pledge manager. For those of you that haven't,  please do so asap. You should be receiving notifications from Backerkit to complete it. The pledge manager will be open until the 20th at which point we will send a final notice and will lock orders 48 hours later. 

Manufacturing Update

Things are humming along! The current plan is to receive the print run manufacturing sample somewhere around the 20th for approval. Once we give the green light, we will then enter into full assembly which should only take about 3 days at which point we will endeavor on to the next leg of the journey which is getting the games routed to our fulfillment partners.  For more detailed update and some pics, see below:

That's all for now!

We'll post another update once manufacturing has finished and we are officially moving into fulfillment!


Max and the Dragon Egg Games Team

Pledge Manager is Live!
almost 3 years ago – Thu, Jun 24, 2021 at 11:29:49 PM

Hello Friends!

Short update today just to let you know that the pledge manager is live! We are using BackerKit as our pledge manager. From there you will be able to add items to your pledge as well as finalize your shipping details. Keep an eye out on your inbox for an email from Backerkit!

We'll post another update with more details on the production process soon!



Next Steps
almost 3 years ago – Mon, Jun 07, 2021 at 02:54:22 PM

Hello friends! Here's what we'll cover in this update:

  •  the upcoming pledge manager
  • development timelines
  • an unboxing video of the Impendium sample from the manufacturer

Pledge Manager

We will be using Backerkit as the pledge manager for this campaign. In the pledge manager you will be able add additional copies of the Kickstarter editions of Nova Lux and Impendium as well as the Art Book/ Graphic Novel. We will also use the pledge manager to collect shipping fees. No action needed yet as we will post a separate update once that is live which will likely happen some time next week.

Development Timelines

I know we said November as the estimated fulfillment timeline but we have no intention of waiting that long to get you these games. As of today, I am thrilled to announce that we have formally approved the files from the manufacturer and we are entering into mass production of the games RIGHT NOW! This means everything should be complete and ready to move from production to fulfillment in mid-late July. 

If you haven't picked up on this yet, we are kind of obsessed with your experience. We don't want to deliver, we want to delight. We don't want to fulfill a campaign, we want to earn your passion. That passion is the fuel to the flame of everything we are creating at Dragon Egg Games. Moving into Mass production in early June instead of at the end of the month has a big impact on the below timelines.

Unboxing Video 

Lastly, here's a more in-depth look at the components themselves from the 1st sample:

That's all for now but we will talk again very soon. Keep an eye out for the update on the pledge manager next week. 


Max and the Dragon Egg Games team

almost 3 years ago – Fri, May 28, 2021 at 03:17:13 PM

It's hard to put in words

the gratitude we have for each and every one of you. If you are new to the Dragon Egg Games team, welcome. You will quickly understand what you mean to us. If you are returning from the Nova Lux campaign, welcome back. It's an honor to have you as friends. We are a small company with big dreams and you are allowing those dreams to be so much more than we could ever imagine. THANK YOU for being part of our journey.

Let's make something great together

Normally, this is where we would explain the process that we would get started which would begin with cultivating and submitting all of the files to our manufacturing partner (we will post a detailed update on next steps soon), but today we have something slightly more compelling... for the past month, we have been working diligently with the manufacturer to get everything together and get the process moving to the point where.... drum roll please.... the first formal manufacturing sample just arrived!!!

Some tweaks and additions are needed but it's amazing to see everything in physical form and close to what we are going to put in your eager hands. 

Look out for more updates soon on the pledge manager and the rest of the development/fulfillment process. In the meantime, our family is going to have a celebration with you close to our hearts this evening. 

Wishing you and yours a spectacular evening and a wonderful holiday weekend (for those of you in the US). We'll talk again shortly after!

Most sincerely,

Max, Mária, and the Dragon Egg Games Team

Stretch goals galore!
almost 3 years ago – Thu, May 13, 2021 at 11:36:19 PM

Stretch Goals Unlocked!!!

In case you haven't seen the project page, here's what we've already unlocked because of your incredible support:

New box comes with both the Galactic Citizen and Galactic Federation pledge.

More Stretch Goals Unveiled next week!

Honestly we love you guys. And we want to continue to show how much your outpouring of support means to us so stay tuned for another unveil next week of some additional stretch goals with the rate we're unlocking them :)

-Max and the Dragon Egg Games Team